Friday, December 1, 2006

Dog Health

Dog Health

Does the food I feed my dog affect their health.
YES !!

You will find so many competing websites out there today, telling you what you should and shouldn't feed your dog.

First, check if they are a sponsor of dog food or an affiliate of a commercial food company. You know the ones...I just read one which proclaimed "never feed your dog raw meat " !! to the top right I saw the glaring Purina affiliate ad. Hmmmmm

I would suggest for a balanced opinion you simply pop over to a forum for your particular dog.
You will likely find a lot of information on food and feeding.

Before I go on, I should tell you that I feed raw meat and bones. My Bullmastiff is the most healthy dog in our town and I get comments and questions all the time !!

Top 3 Most ridiculous arguments against raw food;


Bones can splinter and perforate the oesophagus.

There have been studies done on large vet centres which actually show almost the same amount problems with raw bones as thee have been with dogs choking on kibble or pellets.

One word of caution ; NEVER GIVE YOUR DOG COOKED BONES !

Raw meat is bad due to cysts and disease.

Where is this raw meat coming from ???!!
I give my Bullmastiff chicken frames which are finished having cuts of meat off them that people pay $9.99 / kg for ! Same goes for the pet mince.
With the exception of very young puppies, dogs have incredibly strong stomachs which can handle most of these problems.
Use common sense though. No road kill, no euthanised pets ( if you'd like to have this fed to your dog there is a nice brand out there starting with P that will provide your dog with this !!) Click Here!

It's sooo expensive !!

I pay $1/ kg for fresh meat & bones
My 40kg baby Bullmastiff eats approx 7kg per week along with a vegetable/yoghurt mix that costs me $0.50 per week.
That's $7.50 a week.

Dog roll that I can buy here cost $5.60 for 2kg. The pack says an extra large dog of 35 kg+ (!!!) should have 1.5kg per day.
If I feed this highly processed (yet better than kibble) food, it would cost me $29.66 per week.

Interesting, no ?

This is a Good Read on the subject !!

Next time ; Teeth Can I fix that horrible breath !


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Blogger Rachel. said...

Another good blog about dog health via obedience is here :
Dog Training 101

December 3, 2006 at 2:44:00 PM PST  

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